PL/SQL tables
PL/SQL has two composite datatypes: TABLE and RECORD.
Objects of type TABLE are known as PL/SQL tables.
PL/SQL tables use a primary key to give you array-like access to rows. The number of rows in a PL/SQL table can increase dynamically.
The PL/SQL tables grows as new rows are added. PL/SQL tables can have one column and a primary key, neither of which can be named. The column can belong to any scalar type, but the primary key must belong to type BINARY_INTEGER.
A PL/SQL tables can consist of one simple datatype or be defined as a type of record and is sometimes referred to as an Index by table.
Rows in a PL/SQL table do not have to be contiguous.
Tables with simple datatypes can be populated as:
<variable>(<integer>) := <value>;
Tables with complex datatypes will need the columns populated individually as:
<variable>(<integer>).<column_name> := <value>;
Or from a cursor:
fetch <cursor_name> into <variable>(<integer>);
Example 1 of PL/SQL Table
Type my_first_table is table of varchar2(10)
Index by binary_integer;
Var_of_table my_first_table;
Var_of_table(1) := ‘hello world’;
Var_of_table(2) := ‘bye’;
Example 2 of PL/SQL Table
Type my_emp_table is table of emp%rowtype
Index by binary_integer:
Var_of_emp my_emp_table;
Var1_of_emp my_emp_table;
Var_of_emp(1).ename := ‘sachin’;
Var_of_emp(1).empno := 20;
Var_of_emp(1).sal := 3000;
To delete individual records from PL/SQL tables:
Var_of_emp .delete(1);
To remove all entries from a PL/SQL table:
Var_of_emp := var1_of_emp
Where var1_of_emp does not contain any value, it is empty.
COUNT method can be used to return number of records in a PL/SQL Table.
First, Next and Last methods of PL/SQL Tables.
First is for first index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Last is for last index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Next is for next index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Example showing First and Next method of PL/SQL tables
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> Declare
3 Type my_dept_table is table of varchar2(20)
4 Index by binary_integer;
6 Var_of_dept my_dept_table;
7 Index_value number;
9 Begin
11 For dept_rec in (select * from dept) loop
12 Var_of_dept(dept_rec.deptno) := dept_rec.dname;
13 End loop;
15 Index_value := var_of_dept.first;
16 Loop
17 Exit when index_value is null;
18 Dbms_output.put_line (index_value || ' ' ||var_of_dept(index_value));
19 Index_value :=;
20 End loop;
21 End;
22 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Another example of PL/SQL Table
PL/SQL has two composite datatypes: TABLE and RECORD.
Objects of type TABLE are known as PL/SQL tables.
PL/SQL tables use a primary key to give you array-like access to rows. The number of rows in a PL/SQL table can increase dynamically.
The PL/SQL tables grows as new rows are added. PL/SQL tables can have one column and a primary key, neither of which can be named. The column can belong to any scalar type, but the primary key must belong to type BINARY_INTEGER.
A PL/SQL tables can consist of one simple datatype or be defined as a type of record and is sometimes referred to as an Index by table.
Rows in a PL/SQL table do not have to be contiguous.
Tables with simple datatypes can be populated as:
<variable>(<integer>) := <value>;
Tables with complex datatypes will need the columns populated individually as:
<variable>(<integer>).<column_name> := <value>;
Or from a cursor:
fetch <cursor_name> into <variable>(<integer>);
Example 1 of PL/SQL Table
Type my_first_table is table of varchar2(10)
Index by binary_integer;
Var_of_table my_first_table;
Var_of_table(1) := ‘hello world’;
Var_of_table(2) := ‘bye’;
Example 2 of PL/SQL Table
Type my_emp_table is table of emp%rowtype
Index by binary_integer:
Var_of_emp my_emp_table;
Var1_of_emp my_emp_table;
Var_of_emp(1).ename := ‘sachin’;
Var_of_emp(1).empno := 20;
Var_of_emp(1).sal := 3000;
To delete individual records from PL/SQL tables:
Var_of_emp .delete(1);
To remove all entries from a PL/SQL table:
Var_of_emp := var1_of_emp
Where var1_of_emp does not contain any value, it is empty.
COUNT method can be used to return number of records in a PL/SQL Table.
First, Next and Last methods of PL/SQL Tables.
First is for first index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Last is for last index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Next is for next index in the PL/SQL Tables.
Example showing First and Next method of PL/SQL tables
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> Declare
3 Type my_dept_table is table of varchar2(20)
4 Index by binary_integer;
6 Var_of_dept my_dept_table;
7 Index_value number;
9 Begin
11 For dept_rec in (select * from dept) loop
12 Var_of_dept(dept_rec.deptno) := dept_rec.dname;
13 End loop;
15 Index_value := var_of_dept.first;
16 Loop
17 Exit when index_value is null;
18 Dbms_output.put_line (index_value || ' ' ||var_of_dept(index_value));
19 Index_value :=;
20 End loop;
21 End;
22 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Another example of PL/SQL Table
DECLARE TYPE last_name_type IS TABLE OF student.last_name%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; last_name_tab last_name_type; last_name_type TYPE is declared based on the column LAST_NAME of the STUDENT table. last_name_tab is the actual index-by table declared as LAST_NAME_TYPE. DECLARE CURSOR name_cur IS SELECT last_name FROM student WHERE rownum <=10; TYPE last_name_type IS TABLE OF student.last_name%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; last_name_tab last_name_type; v_counter INTEGER := 0; BEGIN For name_rec IN name_cur LOOP v_counter := v_counter + 1; last_name_tab(v_counter) := name_rec.last_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name('||v_counter||'): '|| last_name_tab(v_counter)); END LOOP; END; OUTPUT will be like: last_name(1): Roy last_name(2): Brit .... ....