Table Based Records
You define and declare records either in the declaration section of a PL/SQL block, or globally, via a package specification. A table-based record is one whose structure is drawn from the list of columns in the table. A table-based record is drawn from a particular table structure.
%TYPE is used to declare a variable that is of the same type as a specified table’s column.
Emp_number emp.empno%type;
%ROWTYPE is used to declare a record i.e. a variable that represents the entire row of a table.
Emp_record emp%rowtype
An Example of PL/SQL Table Based Records
A simple example showing that a record named "customer_sales_data_rec" is declared based on the row of customer_sales_data table.
Create Table customer_sales_data ( cust_id NUMBER(6), cust_name VARCHAR2 (200), total_sales NUMBER (14,2) ); DECLARE customer_sales_data_rec customer_sales_data%ROWTYPE; BEGIN Do some processing..; END;